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Best, fresh articles to keep you up to date with this important part of your life.
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What do You Consider for Your 2021 Medical Aid Plan Option?
The cost of a healthcare is huge. Here are ideas on what you can do in 2021.
How to keep your costs down, yet have the best medical cover you can afford!
You should, at least, join an in-Hospital only benefit plan to cover your greatest threat of high medical costs at a very affordable premium.
Can't afford Medical Aid Premiums?
Why not consider an In-Hospital only benefit plan?
If You Cannot Afford a full Medical plan, then consider an In-Hospital only plan and cover your greatest threat of high medical costs at a very affordable premium.
The National Health Insurance Bill and Your Medical Aid.
NHI and your Medical scheme – What some leading commentators are saying.
Whilst the bill is in line with the government’s constitutional obligation to provide quality universal healthcare for all, this bill is causing much debate.
Do Not Cancel Your Medical Aid.
Why you shouldn't cancel your medical cover.
If you are considering stopping your medical plan and saving that premium to self-fund your own cover … THINK AGAIN!!!
Having no medical aid is a disaster!
The GOOD NEWS about Medical Aids
Where is the Good News about joining a medical scheme?
Why is it that most of the information about healthcare insurance is so negative and designed to create a feeling of fear if you are not a member? That without a plan, you are going to land up in a government hospital and never return home again! That without a plan, you will never get quick, professional medical treatment! If you don't have cover, then your teeth will never be Comprehensive!
Why do I Need a Medical Aid?
Reasons for joining a healthcare plan in South Africa!
Poor public healthcare and the need to go for private care, is the main reason you need reliable and affordable medical cover! Government hospitals are not an option for healthcare treatment. But, private healthcare is expensive.
Receiving care in a private hospital if you’re ill or in an accident can end up costing hundreds of thousands of rand.
To pay for private care, you have no choice but to have a medical insurance!
10 Best Tips on How to Choose the Right Medical Aid
The steps you need to take before joining a plan.
What you should be aware of before you choose a medical plan. How to select the right plan, that comfortably suits your needs and pocket. What is the best affordable medical aid in South Africa? Tips on what should you look for when looking for healthcare funding plans?
11 Best Ways to Reduce your Medical aid Premium
Easy and effective ideas to make your healthcare cover affordable.
Are you, like so many medical scheme members, struggling to meet your premium?
Maybe you feel you can't afford to keep your medical cover?
These 11 ways to reduce your premium are your answers managing your healthcare cover!
Best Medical Aid Idea for 2020
Best idea to secure the finest private hospital and dental cover.
What are the best ideas to control the cost of medical cover in 2020? We are all only too aware of the high cost of medical cover in South Africa. And high premiums in 2020 are no exception. Many people are considering self-insuring for medical expenses. However, this method exposes them to a great financial threat!
Healthcare expenses can be the most expensive we have to pay!
Medical cover is designed to help you meet pay those unexpected costs.
But, we face an information overload when it comes to looking at medical aid plans!
This site is designed to make your choosing a medical aid plan simple and quick.
How does it work?
Waiting periods.
Late Joiner Penalties.
How Your Claims are Paid.
What is PMB?
These and other questions are explained in basic, easy-to-understand terms.
And should you need to ask questions, we are here to answer them for you!
No one said investigating healthcare plans is easy!
Understanding medical cover can be time consuming and confusing!
The questions you may ask are not unique!
We all need to know what we are getting for the money we are spending.
- Why is choosing a medical aid plan such a complicated exercise?
- Are you suffering from an overload of information making a decision impossible?
- What type of questions should you ask?
- Where can you discover correct and understandable advice?
Here are answers for some of the more common questions you may have.
Medical schemes have different plans for you to consider and the extent of the benefits they offer, determines the price or contribution you will pay.
Plans vary from fully comprehensive (and the most expensive) to basic cover (very affordable) that are linked to what you earn.
They all are designed to help you afford the finest medical care you can get.
It may be an alternative to look at "insuring" for your greatest healthcare risk, by joining a hospital only benefit plan?
Or, if you have needs for high out of hospital costs, you may need a comprehensive plan?
Here is where the benefits of different plans are explained.
See what they can offer you.
Obviously, one of the most important aspects of healthcare is the cost!
Once you do that, you can then look for a plan that best suits your needs and budget.
Get an idea of how much a medical aid plan in South Africa will cost.
Use these enquiry pages to submit request for FREE information on these specific medical schemes and plans.
Get the answer you seek and then do a comparison to discover one that you may wish to join.
We can help you with the whole process - from application to acceptance - at no added cost!
Yes, with Fedhealth you can upgrade, within 30 days of a life-changing event!
Many medical aid members are scared of experiencing the “ what if ” scenario of unexpectedly high medical aid costs and not having the right healthcare plan at that time. So, they then tend to over insure themselves by buying benefits they may never use in their lifetimes, or, (what is becoming more and more prevalent) buying on affordability and not benefits.
Fedhealth however, is the only scheme that allows upgrades any time during the year!
What this means is that you have peace of mind in knowing that you are not paying for benefits you don’t (or may never) need.
Private healthcare is the best you can get, but it is expensive. Unfortunately, many medical aids do not pay full private rates in hospital. The costs would be too high if they did.
Medical Schemes also have in-hospital procedure co-payments.
A top-up or Gap plan will prevent you having to pay for an expensive claim shortfall or procedure co-payment!
Every medical aid member should have a top-up plan.
It is too late to join when you are in hospital!
But the cost might worry you, especially if you don't have a lot of money from your retirement savings.
Don't worry; there are cheap plans made just for retirees.
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Talk to me .... I am here to help you - at no charge!
Send me your questions and concerns. I'll answer them for you.
083 655 2164
You must consult the schemes/company product brochures and rules for comprehensive benefit descriptions.
We will offer you the best help at no cost!
Medical aid pays healthcare costs.
What if a disability stops your income?
Peter Pyburn - Authorised Financial Services Provider, fully licensed to render financial services since 1991. Death and Disability Planning; Retirement Planning; Investment Planning; Healthcare and Estate Planning.
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Last update: January 18, 2025