Can a Pensioner get Medical Aid?


Medical Aid for Over 60s: Your Complete Guide

Frequently Asked Questions: Pensioners Medical Aid?

1. Can pensioners get medical aid?
Yes, anyone, whether a retiree, pensioner, or simply over 60, can join a medical aid. There is absolutely no problem and no age limit to worry about. Premiums are the same for everyone as medical aids are governed by the Medical Schemes Act. They can only add waiting periods or late joiner penalties.

2. How does retirement affect my medical aid?
Retirement might change a subsidy from your employer as your employment contract ends. You may be able to remain on your company scheme or, as many retirees do, have to join and pay for your own medical aid. Investigate your options with your HR before retiring. If you have to join on your own, talk to us to investigate more affordable plans within your current scheme. Your continued membership is guaranteed as a retiree.

3. Why I should not delay joining a new plan?
Delaying joining a medical aid will lead to late joiner penalties and waiting periods, particularly for chronic conditions being imposed.
As we age, the need for a medical aid increases, and it is a risk not being a member.

4. How can I find a plan that best suits my needs and pocket?
You will need to investigate plans, and that is not an easy task! Before you get an information overload trying to do this alone, please contact us.
We will help you through the minefield of information and give you a short-list of plans to consider, based on what you need. We know medical aids and will answer any questions you may have. We will take you through the application and joining process and always be there to support you.
All at no added costs to you!

Why Medical Aid Matters

As we grow older, the chance of suffering from a costly illness increases. South Africa's has a very poor government healthcare system and that becomes a danger for you if you have to rely on it for help. Joining a medical aid becomes really important.

pensioner medical aidHow do you choose from so many options, making sure you can afford a plan with your pension?

If you area pensioner, retiree, or over 60, joining medical aid is easy.
There is no maximum age limit when joining a scheme.

However, with a limited budget, high premiums may become a problem. Don't worry; there are cheap plans made just for retirees.
However, it now becomes important for you to carefully investigate different medical aid plans before you join one.

The internet is an overload of information!
That's why you should talk to us for expert guidance
We can help you understand your choices better and find a plan that works for you and your budget.

How Does Retirement Change Your Medical Aid?

Retiring may change or end your employer medical aid subsidy. You need to discuss your options with your employer HR before you retire.
You may be able to negotiate for some or all of your medical aid premium to be paid, even into retirement.
If you can, it is be best to stay with that plan. If you cannot, then you may need to find another, more affordable plan within that medical scheme.

Last, you may have to investigate joining on your own plan.
You should have a seamless move as a switch of plan as a result of retirement, waives any waiting periods.

pensioner medical aidDon't Wait before Joining a New Plan.

Here are some reasons not to wait before joining a new plan:

Late Joiner Penalties
If you're over 35, you will be subjected to a late joiner penalty. It is based on how old you are when you join and how many years of past of medical aid membership you have.

You need to prove certain years of South African medical aid membership since age 35. If you do not have sufficient time, a monthly penalty will be added to your premium. You'll have to pay it every month for the rest of your life.
We can confirm if you will be subject to this penalty.

Waiting periods
These may apply when joining a new medical aid scheme and you might have to wait a while before your new medical aid benefits begin.

A general waiting period of 3-months could be imposed if you wait longer than 90-days between leaving your previous medical aid and joining a new one.

There is the possibility of a 12-month waiting period in the case of specific medical conditions that you had before joining.

Chronic illness
As we age, so the likelihood of long-term health conditions increases. And the costs of treating these illnesses can be high.
It is important to identify chronic illness early, as it greatly improves your recovery. You need a medical aid to help pay for diagnostic tests and preventative medicines, so the sooner you join - the better your outcome.

We can quickly give you answers to any concerns you may have. Ask us.
If you do not agree with what the medical aid offers you, you don't have to join, just say no.

Be Aware of the Health Risks You Face

Getting older means the risk of hospitalisation increases and you need a medical aid, or at least a private hospital plan that includes chronic illnesses benefits. You can always self-pay or things like seeing the doctor, getting glasses, or buying medicine.

An in-hospital only benefit plan costs less than a comprehensive medical aid.
And it is your foundation plan, in case you end up in private hospital.

Choosing the right plan is really important. Look for one that guarantees admission to private hospital with no admission co-payment.
It must offer:

pensioner medical aidThere are hospital plans that offer several benefits even if you're not hospitalised, and Fedhealth is one of those plans.

flexiFED is a hospital plan that has the safety net of a day-to-day savings fund. And you only repay what you use from that savings fund, when you spend it. This is unique and not offered by any other scheme.

If you do not really need day-to-day savings, but still want to have funds for unforeseen, out of hospital costs - that you control - then this is your plan!

If, however, you do need day-to-day (out of hospital) benefits, consider a low-cost network provider type plan.

The premiums are based upon your level of income and can be under R 1,000 per month.
Please note that the benefits can be restrictive because you have to use listed doctors and hospitals and they may not be convenient.

They do offer affordable, life threatening (heart attack, stroke, accident) and life sustaining (chronic illness like cancer, kidney) cover in a private hospital and with private providers.

pensioner medical aidSome plans will give you a discount your premium if you use certain doctors and hospitals.

Depending upon who you use for treatments and chronic medications, so the premiums are reduced.

We can help you with medical aid plans from:

Discovery Health
Momentum Health

top-upPrivate healthcare providers can charge up to 500% of medical scheme rates.
Medical aids add procedure co-payments as well.
These are significant concerns for medical aid members.

Protect yourself against these potential threats, by joining Cura's GAP or top-up insurance plan.
OR Zest GAP or top-up insurance plan.

This separate insurance will cover most in-hospital claim shortfalls and any co-payments. It is a vital safety net, ensuring you have adequate benefits for medical treatments without bearing the full burden of unexpected costs.

Protect yourself from soaring medical expenses by bridging the gap between medical scheme rates and the charges imposed by private providers.

Contact me. I have been a professional medical aid broker for more than 30 years.
I know the difficulty of understanding the "small print" around medical aids! I can help you find a plan that will make sense to you and that will meet your needs and wants. I will confirm everything with the scheme you choose to join - quickly!

We promote more than 5 medical schemes.
By authorising us to deal with your medical plan - at no added cost for you – we can help you with any concerns you may have. From benefit queries to administrative problems. And assist with your annual renewal process.

What is the cost?

Talk to me .... I am here to help you - at no charge!
Send me your questions and concerns. I'll answer them for you.

Do you want ONLY hospital cover?

YES or NO I want doctor, chemist, dentist and glasses.

I agree to receiving medical aid and insurance product marketing by electronic means. Yes

whatsapp083 655 2164

You must consult the schemes/company product brochures and rules for comprehensive benefit descriptions.

We will offer you the best help at no cost!

income protectionMedical aid pays healthcare costs.
What if a disability stops your income?

peter pyburnPeter Pyburn - Authorised Financial Services Provider, fully licensed to render financial services since 1991. Death and Disability Planning; Retirement Planning; Investment Planning; Healthcare and Estate Planning.


Council of Medical Schemes

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Last update: January 18, 2025