Home: bestmedicalaid.co.za
There are no networks ... you choose your own hospitals, doctors and specialists!
Rated as one of the most successful open medical schemes in South Africa – as measured by the benefits provided vs. contributions, financial stability, membership size and growth, average age of beneficiaries and the service levels provided as indexed on hellopeter.com – all Genesis members are in good hands!
One of the best value-for-money medical scheme options in South Africa, per the most recent GTC Healthcare Consulting medical aid survey.
Lowest contribution increase of all open schemes for 10 consecutive years, only 5% for 2024!
Although the plan pays in-hospital costs at 2 times medical aid rates, private providers can charge more than this rate!
in order to prevent shortfalls with in-hospital costs, please look at adding a Gap cover/ Top-up plan (from R350 pm).
You will then have unlimited private hospital cover, paying up to 5 times medical scheme rates.
Why are you not a member yet?
Member - R 3,200 pm with R 9,900 savings.
2 adults - R 6,400 pm with R 19,800 savings.
Family - R 7,690 pm with R 19,800 savings.
For full in hospital benefits consider adding a top-up plan from R351 pm
Benefits are plan dependant.
Single - R 1,610 pm
2 adults - R 3,220 pm
Family of 4 - R 4,230 pm
For full in hospital benefits consider adding a top-up plan from R 272 pm.
Protect yourself against these potential threats, by joining Zest's GAP or top-up insurance plan.
This separate insurance will cover most in-hospital claim shortfalls and any co-payments. It is a vital safety net, ensuring you have adequate benefits for medical treatments without bearing the full burden of unexpected costs.
Protect yourself from soaring medical expenses by bridging the gap between medical scheme rates and the charges imposed by private providers.
Dental treatment is something we all need and it is vital you consider the Best Dental Insurance Plan OR Most Affordable Dental Planin South Africa.
No Medical Aid or have a Hospital Plan only? This plan will help you meet the high costs of both normal and specialised dentistry!
Talk to me .... I am here to help you - at no charge!
Send me your questions and concerns. I'll answer them for you.
You must consult the schemes/company product brochures and rules for comprehensive benefit descriptions.
083 655 2164
You must consult the schemes/company product brochures and rules for comprehensive benefit descriptions.
We will offer you the best help at no cost!
Medical aid pays healthcare costs.
What if a disability stops your income?
YOUR TRUSTED, QUALIFIED ADVISOR:Peter Pyburn - Authorised Financial Services Provider, fully licensed to render financial services since 1991. Death and Disability Planning; Retirement Planning; Investment Planning; Healthcare and Estate Planning.
Disclaimer, Medical Disclosure
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Last update: January 26, 2025